The Chess Wanderer

"Les pions sont l´âme du jeu" Francois-André Philidor, 1749

Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Beginning

Welcome to my blog. This is the first time I am doing something like this so please bear with me. I was inspired to create this blog after stumbling upon the Errant Knights on the ChessNinja boards. I found them by entering 400 Points in 400 Days in google after being five days into the De La Maza program. After reading Pale Morning Dun's blog I also discovered, to my horror, that I have been doing the Conc. Circles wrong! I will be continuing with Day 6 but will be starting the correct way from now.

I learned chess in grade school but didn't learn all the rules (such as en passant) until after college. I only started playing on a regular basis about a couple of months ago. Never joined a chess club or played in a tournament so I don't have a rating or anything cool like that. Hopefully with this program I can start to play more serious chess. I am currently waiting for my copy of CT-Art to arrive in the mail.

I use a standard vinyl roll-up board and plastic club pieces. With the Circles I tend to slam my white queen on the squares as I do the exercises. I noticed a funny side effect that developed. I started to slam objects down on the counter such as Tylenol containers.

Micro Drills Day 5 of 28


At 12/26/2004 7:30 AM, Blogger David Glickman said...

Welcome to the Knights Errant... I've been covering the exploits of the Knights in the Boylston Chess Foundation Weblog and will be happy to include you as well.

At 12/26/2004 9:31 AM, Blogger Pawnsensei said...

Wow, I just created this thing last night. How did you find my page already?

At 12/27/2004 8:29 AM, Blogger David Glickman said...

The internet is amazing, isn't it? Go to ... search for chess. It picks up new posts within minutes of publishing. Incredible!


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