The Chess Wanderer

"Les pions sont l´âme du jeu" Francois-André Philidor, 1749

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hip to be square

Completed the chapters on space and weak squares. I never understood what people were talking about when they were talking about strong and weak squares, until now. What an eye-opener. Now I know why people would go after my fianchettoed bishop when I played the Pirc. I also understand the a or h pawn push too. Never made sense to me before reading this. Sneaky, very sneaky. I'm seeing a lot more now and I'm confident that these books are at my level. Hopefully they will be enough to prepare me for the Inferno in a couple of months. I haven't set a definite date yet because I don't know how long it will take me to complete the three books but I am estimating a start date sometime in July.

I was thinking about something on the way in to work. I was wondering if I'll complete all of the puzzles that I have in my current library of books? It includes:

Reinfeld's "1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations"
Polgar's "Chess"
Seirawan's "Winning Chess Tactics"

Now I know I'm definitely finishing WCT soon but I'm not so sure about the other two. Polgar's book has 5334 puzzles by itself. And that doesn't include CT-Art and Chess Mentor. I figure, if I don't become a chess genius after that then I'll sure be stuffed with a lot of useless information!


At 4/20/2005 10:42 AM, Blogger CelticDeath said...

There are a LOT of puzzles in CT-Art 3.0 to be found in Reinfeld's 1001 Winning Chess Sacs and Combos. I tend to solve those much quicker, too!


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