Hey everyone in the blogosphere. Sorry I've been out of commission. I haven't been feeling all that into chess lately. I hope it's not a long term thing.
Haven't been doing to well in chess lately. Oh well. Hopefully I can get back in the groove soon. I haven't been faithful to the Polgar book either. I'm still stuck around problem 400. Those two move mates can be really nasty.
I need to start learning how to play quick chess too. It seems most people OTB don't like playing anything longer than 15 min. Aside from playing a bunch of G15 does anyone have any advice on how to improve on this time control? I'm not used to anything shorter than 20 20 and even then I lose on time sometimes.
Anyway, hope everyone's chess is doing good. Team DeLaMaza did well in the first round. Won two sections with the win in U1800 hanging on Lliamah's game. Go team!