The Chess Wanderer

"Les pions sont l´âme du jeu" Francois-André Philidor, 1749

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Local Quads

Finally got around to visiting another chess club. Quite a drive from town. Got there around 7p and left after 9p. There was quite a few people there.

The president of the club also asked me if I was interested in joining their Go club. Oh man, I told him I didn't have two lifetimes to work on improving at intellectual games, and I hear Go is even more complicated with more possible scenarios.

Don't foget to vote for USCF if you haven't done so. I followed Susan Polgar's recommendations and voted for Mr. Randy Bauer, Mr. Joel Channing, Mr. George John, and Mr. Robert Tanner. See her blog for more details.


At 6/23/2005 5:34 PM, Blogger Pawnsensei said...

Hey Harmless,

Glad to hear from you. Please post to the Team DeLaMaza ICQ Group. You are already a member, now you have to indicate which Rounds you will be able to play. Thanks.


At 6/24/2005 4:28 AM, Blogger Margriet said...

Hi Pawn, nice to hear you are at a chessclub. Do you play there in a team against other clubs to? (I do, and it is nice)
Are there much members?
Do they have a internet site?
I hope for you you will be one of the club tigers!!! Beat them, brother!

At 6/25/2005 9:46 AM, Blogger Pawnsensei said...

Hi Margriet,

I wish I could join the club but it's a little far for me to attend every week. I want to try to get down there as much as possible though.

There was quite a few people there. I would say about 16 or so people playing. I haven't heard of inter-club competitions yet. I think most of the people there were open/unrated like me. Just come to play when they see other people playing.



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